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從“人物對立”到“主體客體對立”的近代法學暨哲學範式轉換:論近代理性自然法主義的貢獻 (The Early Modern Juristic-Philosophical Paradigm Shift from “Person-Thing Dualism” to “Subject-Object Dualism” The Contributions of Early Modern Rationalist Naturalism in Law)
Source Publication《羅馬法與現代民法》 第十一卷 (Roman Law and Modern Civil Law, n. 11)
Abstract本文旨在论证,主体(subiectum)与客体(obiectum)这一对哲学概念在进入法学后,如何于十七世纪又借助理性自然法主义的三大贡献,在世俗法学中扩散,促成一次法学上的范式转换:其一,主张法学应弃人、物,改采主体、客体(Leibniz);其二,将主体限定为人类(homo)个体(persona simplex,单一人)或团体(persona composita,复合人)(Thomasius、Wolff);其三,不再像人文主义法学(Donellus)那样含混地通过扩张解释将物(res)“非物质化”,来试图涵盖有体物的使用(rei corporalis usus)或劳动给付(praestatio operae),而是索性主张以客体概念来化解物(res)的局限性(Wege),最终导致客体概念从租赁蔓延到其余类型的合同。然而,在近代告终前,主体与客体仍然尚未普遍成为体系框架的构成元件,甚至尚未完全有约定俗成的话语(Nettelbladt)。
Other AbstractThis paper aims to examine how the philosophical “Subject-Object Dualism” (“SOD”), after having entered into the field of Law, was spread in the Civil Law area via the three following contributions made by the Rationalist Naturalism in the 17th century, promoting a paradigm shift in Law: First, the “SOD” was being suggested to replace the “Person-Thing Dualism” (Leibniz); Second, subiectum was limited to homo, including persona simplex and persona composita (Thomasius and Wolff); Third, obiectum was simply used to resolve the limitation of res (Wege), causing the former to be extended from locatio to other types of contract, while the Legal Humanism (Donellus) had only “immaterialized” res vaguely by expanding the concept, so as to include the use of corporal thing (rei corporalis usus) and the prestation of labour (praestatio operae). However, before the Late Modern Period, the “SOD” had not yet become a common systematic element and the “SOD” discourse had not yet been established firmly (Nettelbladt).
Keyword人(persona) 物(res) 权利主体(subiectum Iuris) 权利客体(obiectum Iuris) 理性主义自然法 Person (Persona) Thing (Res) Subject Of Right (Subiectum Iuris) Object Of Right (Obiectum Iuris) Rationalist Natural Law
Funding ProjectResearch and Publication Project on Jurisprudence / Macau Positive law / Legal History
Indexed By其他
Document TypeBook chapter
Affiliation1.Department of Macao Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Macau
2.The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Macau
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
NG KEI KEI. 從“人物對立”到“主體客體對立”的近代法學暨哲學範式轉換:論近代理性自然法主義的貢獻 (The Early Modern Juristic-Philosophical Paradigm Shift from “Person-Thing Dualism” to “Subject-Object Dualism” The Contributions of Early Modern Rationalist Naturalism in Law)[M]. 《羅馬法與現代民法》 第十一卷 (Roman Law and Modern Civil Law, n. 11):廈門大學出版社, 2024.
APA NG KEI KEI.(2024). 從“人物對立”到“主體客體對立”的近代法學暨哲學範式轉換:論近代理性自然法主義的貢獻 (The Early Modern Juristic-Philosophical Paradigm Shift from “Person-Thing Dualism” to “Subject-Object Dualism” The Contributions of Early Modern Rationalist Naturalism in Law). 《羅馬法與現代民法》 第十一卷 (Roman Law and Modern Civil Law, n. 11).
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