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Making History Speak: Suzhi Movement and Overseas Education
Conference NameBritish Sociological Association
Conference Date2018 April 25-28
Conference PlaceNewcastle, UK
PublisherBritish Sociological Association
AbstractThis study focuses on the experiences of education, at home and/or overseas, of three generations within contemporary Chinese middle-class families —including grandparents, parents and students —in order to capture an intimate and 'up- close' picture of the ways in which different generations of contemporary middle-class Chinese understand, conceptualize and respond to increasing pressures to consider and undertake higher education overseas. The three generations broadly span the following eras: Republican China (1911–1949), Maoist China (1949–1976) and the Reform era (1976–present). These three periods witnessed great political, educational and economic transformations. The three (middle-class, urban) cohorts this research investigates have been exposed to social forces specific to their generational identity and personal biography, their history of educational experience, and the extent of their own mobility within the Chinese context. Their individual views, opinions and feelings concerning mobility and overseas education vary, and a comparison of their experiences and views create new knowledge and contribute to the existing literature on international student mobility. It further highlights the pressures associated with global, physical mobility as a practice of class consumption and as an assessment of mobility.
KeywordChinese Middle-class Families, Political, Educational, Economic Transformations, Higher Education
Document TypeConference paper
AffiliationUniversity of Cambridge
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
CHEN JUAN. Making History Speak: Suzhi Movement and Overseas Education[C]:British Sociological Association, 2018, 98.
APA CHEN JUAN.(2018). Making History Speak: Suzhi Movement and Overseas Education. , 98.
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