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China's position and core issues of the United Nations Convention against Cybercrime《联合国打击网络犯罪公约》的中国立场与核心问题
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AbstractThe introduction of the draft United Nations Convention against Cybercrime and its adoption by the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime are the result of the unremitting efforts of China, Russia and other developing countries, but they still face serious challenges. China should, on the premise of safeguarding national sovereignty and taking care of the interests of developing countries, implement its basic position on combating cybercrime: expand the scope of criminalisation and applicable offences advocated in the draft convention, and thus expand the scope of application and influence of the convention; resist or restrict the application of the unilateral evidence collection model characterised by the ‘data controller model’, and actively promote the mechanism for the review of criminal evidence out of China. It will also actively promote China's mechanism for reviewing criminal evidence out of the country and explore solutions for cross-border access to electronic data based on data sovereignty.《联合国打击网络犯罪公约》草案的出台及经联合国网络犯罪特设委员会投票通过,是中国、俄罗斯等发展中国家阵营不懈努力的成果,但仍然面临严峻挑战。中国应当以维护国家主权和照顾发展中国家利益为前提,贯彻打击网络犯罪的基本立场:扩大公约草案所主张的定罪范围和适用犯罪,并进而扩大公约的适用范围及影响力;抵制或限制“数据控制者模式”为特征的单边取证模式的适用,积极推广我国刑事证据出境审查工作机制,探讨基于数据主权的跨境调取电子数据解决方案。
KeywordUnited Nations Convention Against Cybercrime (Draft) 《联合国打击网络犯罪公约》(草案) Budapest Convention《布达佩斯公约》 Criminalisation 刑事定罪 Cross-border Forensics 跨境取证 Data Sovereignty 数据主权
Indexed ByCSSCI
PublisherJournal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)北京師范大學學報(社會科學版)
The Source to ArticleJournal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)北京師范大學學報(社會科學版)
Document TypeJournal article
CollectionFaculty of Law
Affiliation1.University of Macau
2.Beijing Weiheng (Zhuhai) Law Firm
First Author AffilicationUniversity of Macau
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
LI ZHE,ZHU XIAOQING. China's position and core issues of the United Nations Convention against Cybercrime《联合国打击网络犯罪公约》的中国立场与核心问题[J]., 2024.
APA LI ZHE., & ZHU XIAOQING (2024). China's position and core issues of the United Nations Convention against Cybercrime《联合国打击网络犯罪公约》的中国立场与核心问题.
MLA LI ZHE,et al."China's position and core issues of the United Nations Convention against Cybercrime《联合国打击网络犯罪公约》的中国立场与核心问题". (2024).
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