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Karen, S.; Lei, L. C.
Source PublicationThe Routledge Companion to Crime Fiction
Publication PlaceNew York and London
AbstractTranslation is central to crime fiction – from its very beginnings, the genre has constituted itself in and through translation with global patterns of circulation and influence. Edgar Allan Poe’s stories of ratiocination (1841–1844), written in English by an American, set in Paris with a French amateur investigator, perfectly illustrate the transnational interconnectedness of the genre. Translated into French in 1856 by Charles Baudelaire, the Dupin trilogy shaped Emile Gaboriau’s influential detective novels (1866–1876), and these in turn inspired successful and influential detective writers in America, Australia and, most famously, Arthur Conan Doyle in Britain. Much of the critical literature argues that the Anglo-American model is the dominant form which either introduced crime fiction as a genre (Stougaard-Nielsen 2016: 2), or which displaced resident national traditions across Europe and beyond, primarily through translations of Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories and Agatha Christie’s novels. But there is evidence of early forms of the genre in many countries and recent research indicates that such uni-directional transmission from English to other languages and cultures does not in fact capture the circulation and locally-specific iterations of detective fiction. The Dutch market not only imported English detective fiction but also translations from the German and French, as did Turkey, China and, to a lesser degree, Spain and Italy.
KeywordCrime fiction Detective fiction Translation National traditions Translation Strategies
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID54433
Document TypeBook chapter
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Karen, S.,Lei, L. C.. Translation[M]. The Routledge Companion to Crime Fiction, New York and London:Routledge, 2020, 85-93.
APA Karen, S.., & Lei, L. C. (2020). Translation. The Routledge Companion to Crime Fiction, 85-93.
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