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Relationship between decision-making and resting-state EEG in adolescents with different emotional stabilities
Yajing Si1; Lin Jiang1; Peiyang Li1; Baodan Chen1; WAN FENG2; Jing Yu1; Dezhong Yao1; Fali Li1; Peng Xu1
Source PublicationIEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems

Despite the varied decision responses are revealed between adolescents with emotional stability and instability (ES and EI), the possible association underlying decision making and resting-state activity remains unknown. The study explored the potential relationship between the resting-state electroencephalogram network and decision responses when adolescents with different emotional stabilities participated in the ultimatum game (UG). A significant relationship between the resting-state activation of the two frequency bands (i.e., delta and alpha) and the UG acceptance rate. Furthermore, the ES adolescents mainly activated the frontal cortex in the delta band compared to the EI adolescents, whereas the EI adolescents exhibited stronger frontal-occipital linkages in the alpha band than the ES group. During decision making, the delta oscillation played a positive role in the cognitive process, while the alpha activity decreased. Finally, emotional stability could be predicted by a multivariable linear prediction model based on the resting-state metrics while adolescents made decisions in the UG task. The distinct restingstate electrophysiological evidence may deepen our knowledge of decision making in individuals with different emotional traits, which may further facilitate the prediction of individual decision behaviors.

KeywordAdolescents Decision Making Emotional Stability Resting-state
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Indexed BySCIE
WOS Research AreaComputer Science ; Robotics ; Neurosciences & Neurology
WOS SubjectComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence ; Robotics ; Neurosciences
WOS IDWOS:001167556100005
Scopus ID2-s2.0-85153341300
Fulltext Access
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Document TypeJournal article
Corresponding AuthorFali Li; Peng Xu
Affiliation1.University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
2.Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology,University of Macau,Macao
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Yajing Si,Lin Jiang,Peiyang Li,et al. Relationship between decision-making and resting-state EEG in adolescents with different emotional stabilities[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2023, 16(1), 243-250.
APA Yajing Si., Lin Jiang., Peiyang Li., Baodan Chen., WAN FENG., Jing Yu., Dezhong Yao., Fali Li., & Peng Xu (2023). Relationship between decision-making and resting-state EEG in adolescents with different emotional stabilities. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 16(1), 243-250.
MLA Yajing Si,et al."Relationship between decision-making and resting-state EEG in adolescents with different emotional stabilities".IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 16.1(2023):243-250.
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