UM  > Faculty of Business Administration  > DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING
The moderating roles of consumers’ sense of power and self-construals on the effect of word-of-mouth valence on brand attachment: A conceptual paper
Pornpitakpan, C.; Yue, W.
Source PublicationAcademy of Marketing Conference 2019: When You Tire of Marketing You Tire of Life: 52nd Annual Conference Proceedngs
AbstractThis conceptual paper discusses the effects of consumers’ sense of power, self-construals, and word of mouth (hereafter referred to as WOM) valence on brand attachment. According to sense of power, self-construals, and WOM literature, empirical evidence, and derivations, it is postulated that self-construals will interact with WOM valence and individuals’ sense of power, impacting the strength of brand attachment. Proposition 1: WOM valence will generally influence consumers’ brand attachment. Specifically, positive WOM will induce stronger consumers’ brand attachment than will negative WOM. Proposition 2: Self-construals will moderate the effects of WOM valence and consumers’ sense of power on brand attachment. As for theoretical contributions, this paper fills the gap that brand attachment has seldom been investigated as a dependent variable although it is an influential variable in marketing. The discussion of the linkages among brand attachment, consumers’ sense of power, and self-construals in WOM valence contexts can also enhance self-concept literature. As for practical/managerial contributions, investigating the factors influencing brand attachment in cross-cultural contexts can help marketers create, nurture, and leverage the brand–customer relationships for more-effective marketing strategies across different cultures.
Keywordsense of power self-construals word of mouth brand attachment
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID48711
Document TypeConference paper
Corresponding AuthorPornpitakpan, C.
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Pornpitakpan, C.,Yue, W.. The moderating roles of consumers’ sense of power and self-construals on the effect of word-of-mouth valence on brand attachment: A conceptual paper[C], 2019.
APA Pornpitakpan, C.., & Yue, W. (2019). The moderating roles of consumers’ sense of power and self-construals on the effect of word-of-mouth valence on brand attachment: A conceptual paper. Academy of Marketing Conference 2019: When You Tire of Marketing You Tire of Life: 52nd Annual Conference Proceedngs.
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