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Scalar particles and discourse structure
Tsai, Cheng-Yu Edwin
Size of Audience15
Type of Speakerinvited speaker

The meanings of preverbal scalar particles in Mandarin, such as dou and jiu, have been widely discussed in the formal linguistics literature. This talk aims to demonstrate a Question-under-Discussion (QUD) based semantic-pragmatic theory for certain uses of dou and jiu and discuss how this new analysis differs from previous accounts. It will be proposed that dou signals a particular discourse structure in which (i) the "associate" of dou that appears to its left is akin to a contrastive topic which introduces the subquestions (in the form of a set of polar questions) of a common QUD, and (ii) dou further requires that each subquestion be positively answered. This new lexical entry of dou in terms of (sub)questions and a question-based entailment relation explains some otherwise puzzling interactions between dou and necessity modals or focus adverbs such as shenzhi 'even'. This model also provides a new, question-based definition for the even-like particle lian in the so-called lian...dou construction, which explains their optional co-occurrence. Finally, it is shown how a similar approach can be applied to jiu, another scalar particle which sometimes indicates sufficiency but sometimes signals exclusivity.

Conference PlaceHong Kong Metropolitan University
Document TypePresentation
AffiliationUniversity of Macau
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Tsai, Cheng-Yu Edwin. Scalar particles and discourse structure
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