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New Developments in Political Communication Research
Alternative Title政治传播研究的新发展
Xinshu Zhao1,2,3; Kai Fung Timothy Fung
Source PublicationNew trends in communication studies II
Publication PlaceChina
PublisherTsinghua University Press

This chapter reviews the development in political communication research. After discussing classic theories such as selective exposure, agenda setting, and spiral of silence, and more recent theories such as framing and deliberative democracy, the chapter summarizes two germinating theories that the first author has written about previously in Chinese.  

One is spiral of imbalance, which attempts to meld selective exposure, gatekeeping, spiral of silence, among other theories.  Although the construction of the theory began in the middle of 1990s when television and newspapers dominated, the theory may have even more relevance in societies dominated by internet.

The second is an informational theory of electoral systems, which explains the electoral systems that dominate most of the countries today are not sufficiently democratic, because the systems prevent voters from expressing efficiently and sufficiently their will.  Furthermore, the theory explains, the under-democracy of the electoral systems are perpetual causes of many  ailments of modern societies, including so called mature, transitional, and emerging democracies. 

Indexed By其他
Document TypeBook chapter
CollectionFaculty of Social Sciences
Affiliation1.Hong Kong Baptist University
2.Fudan University
3.University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Zhao, X. & Fung, K. F. T. (2014). New developments in political communication research. In J. Hong (Ed.), New trends in communication studies II. (pp. 485-507). Beijing, China: Tsinghua University Press, November, ISBN 978-7-302-36538-9.
APA Xinshu Zhao., & Kai Fung Timothy Fung (2014). New Developments in Political Communication Research. New trends in communication studies II, 485-507.
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