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Chinese Null Objects and Their Syntactic Derivations
Xu, J.
Source PublicationUM Chinese Scholarly Serial
AbstractAn alternative explanatory framework is offered hereby to accommodate the subject-object asymmetry phenomenon and the apparent Subjacency-violating null object constructions in Chinese. It is also argued that a topic position is always available syntactically, but an NP there could be either base-generated or being moved there from somewhere else. A null object in the language is a trace created by A’-movement of a pro to a topic position of its own clause, which could be a topic position of a relative clause, then from there the pro may or may not move further up if all applicable conditions such as the Subjacency allow it to do so. In those constructions which appear to have violated the Subjacency condition, the object trace, variable, is in fact not created by an A’-movement to the matrix topic position. Rather, it is a trace created by an A’-movement of pro to an embedded topic position. The lexical NP in the matrix topic position is base-generated in-situ, thus the Subjacency is well observed. The co-reference between the NP in the matrix topic position and the null object in embedded clauses is made possible indirectly through two independent steps: The first step is an A’-movement of a pro from the object position to the embedded topic position within the same clause; and the second one is a co-indexing process that co-indexes the NP in the matrix topic position and the pro in the embedded topic position.
Keywordnull Object Chinese syntax movement asymmetry
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID2921
Document TypeJournal article
CollectionFaculty of Arts and Humanities
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Xu, J.. Chinese Null Objects and Their Syntactic Derivations[J]. UM Chinese Scholarly Serial, 2010, 191-213.
APA Xu, J..(2010). Chinese Null Objects and Their Syntactic Derivations. UM Chinese Scholarly Serial, 191-213.
MLA Xu, J.."Chinese Null Objects and Their Syntactic Derivations".UM Chinese Scholarly Serial (2010):191-213.
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