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方向性与视译认知加工: 基于近红外脑功能成像技术的实证研究 Directionality and cognitive processing in sight translation: a fNIRs-based empirical study
Alternative TitleDirectionality and cognitive processing in sight translation: a fNIRs-based empirical study
He, Y.; Li, D.; Lei, L. C.
Source Publication外语学刊
ISSN1000 -0100(2020)02 -0095 -7 
AbstractDirectionality has long been one of the most controversial issues in interpreting studies, with increasing attraction to transla⁃ tion process research. By employing functional near⁃infrared spectroscopy,the present study investigated the role directionality played towards the cognitive processing of student interpreters in Chinese/ English sight translation, locating left prefrontal cortex and Broca􀆳s area as its regions of interest. As the results revealed, interpreting direction posed significant impact on interpreters􀆳 sight translation performance, brain activation as well as cognitive load during sight translation. Chinese⁃English direction caused higher error rate as well as higher cognitive load. English⁃Chinese direction, instead of the other way around, caused significant left prefrontal activation. The aforementioned results brought inspirations towards interpreting teaching, namely — skill oriented training should be strengthened in Chinese⁃English direction, so as to cut down cognitive load. Besides, correctness, fluency and elegance should be paid more attention in Chinese⁃English direction.
Keyworddirectionality sight translation cognitive processing functional near⁃infrared spectroscopy
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID54475
Document TypeJournal article
CollectionFaculty of Arts and Humanities
Corresponding AuthorLi, D.
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
He, Y.,Li, D.,Lei, L. C.. 方向性与视译认知加工: 基于近红外脑功能成像技术的实证研究 Directionality and cognitive processing in sight translation: a fNIRs-based empirical study[J]. 外语学刊, 2020, 95-101.
APA He, Y.., Li, D.., & Lei, L. C. (2020). 方向性与视译认知加工: 基于近红外脑功能成像技术的实证研究 Directionality and cognitive processing in sight translation: a fNIRs-based empirical study. 外语学刊, 95-101.
MLA He, Y.,et al."方向性与视译认知加工: 基于近红外脑功能成像技术的实证研究 Directionality and cognitive processing in sight translation: a fNIRs-based empirical study".外语学刊 (2020):95-101.
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