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Alternative TitleProperty and Nature of Predicative Empty Category in Sluicing Sentence
Zhang, Y.; Xu, J.
Source Publication語言研究
AbstractIn Chinese Sluicing, the phenomenon that all the syntactic constituents in a WH-question, except the WH-word itself, are deleted can be explained under the theory of “Predicative Empty Category”. The ellipsis in Sluicing is an “IP” in such a form as “[CP WH [IP ECp]]”, and the IP is a clause without the fronted WH-word in the Logical Form. The clause IP is argued to be a Predicative Empty Category. It has been demonstrated that Sluicing has resulted from the two operations of “Movement” and “Copy”, which take place invisibly in Logical Form in the Chinese Language, whereby “movement” is to move the WH-word out of an IP to the beginning of the sentence, and “Copy” is to reduplicate the antecedent’s contents and place them into the position of the IP under the “Isomorphic Condition”, so as to construct the complete logical form of Sluicing and to realize its semantic interpretation. As English Sluicing, Chinese Sluicing is also a grammatical form containing a Predicative Empty Category. The contrast between two the languages mainly lies in the difference as where and how the derivational operations take place.
KeywordSluicing Predicative Empty Category
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID40755
Document TypeJournal article
CollectionFaculty of Arts and Humanities
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Zhang, Y.,Xu, J.. 截省句中谓词性空位成分的特点与性质[J]. 語言研究, 2019, 1-7.
APA Zhang, Y.., & Xu, J. (2019). 截省句中谓词性空位成分的特点与性质. 語言研究, 1-7.
MLA Zhang, Y.,et al."截省句中谓词性空位成分的特点与性质".語言研究 (2019):1-7.
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