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O mundo codificado: por uma filosofia do design e da comunicação
Abi-Samara, Raquel; Vilém Flusser
TranslatorRaquel Abi-Samara
PublisherCosac & Naify
Publication PlaceSao Paulo, Brazil

 O mundo codificado: por uma filosofia do design e da comunicação, by Vilém Flusser. Edited by Rafael Cardoso. Translated by Raquel Abi-Sâmara. 224p. The book is a collection of selected articles written by Vilém Flusser in German and English. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2007. 1st and 2nd edition by Cosac&Naify; 3rd edition by Ubu Editora (São Paulo, 2017). ISBN: 978-85-7503-593-1. This book had an impressive and huge repercussion in the academic and in the marketing environment in Brazil. It was first published in 2006 by the Publisher COSAC & NAIFY. After seven months, and after great repercussion  in the principal literary newspapers and journals in Brazil, the publisher made its second publication. Unfortunately some years later the COSAC & NAIFY closed. (It was considered one of the most sophisticated publishing houses in Brazil). So, the copyrights of this book were passed to Ubu Editora (Sao Paulo), which launched the third publication of the book in 2017.  (1957 CITATIONS at Google Scholar).

KeywordDesign Philosophy Vilem Flusser
Subject AreaPhilosophy
Document TypeBook
AffiliationNichibunken (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Abi-Samara, Raquel,Vilém Flusser. O mundo codificado: por uma filosofia do design e da comunicação[M]. Sao Paulo, Brazil:Cosac & Naify, 2007, 224pp.
APA Abi-Samara, Raquel., & Vilém Flusser (2007). O mundo codificado: por uma filosofia do design e da comunicação. Cosac & Naify.
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