Generation of longer 30 cDNAfragments frommassively parallel signature sequencing tags
Wang, S. M.
Source PublicationNucleic Acids Research
AbstractMassively Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS) is a powerful technique for genome-wide gene expression analysis, which, similar to SAGE, relies on the production of short tags proximal to the 30end of transcripts. A single MPSS experiment can generate over 107 tags, providing a 10-fold coverage of the transcripts expressed in a human cell. A significant fraction of MPSS tags cannot be assigned to known transcripts (orphan tags) and are likely to be derived from transcripts expressed at very low levels ( 1 copy per cell). In order to explore the potential of MPSS for the characterization of the human transcriptome, we have adapted the GLGI protocol (Generation of Longer cDNA fragments from SAGE tags for Gene Identification) to convert MPSS tags into their corresponding 30 cDNA fragments. GLGI-MPSS was applied to 83 orphan tags and 41 cDNA fragments were obtained. The analysis of these 41 fragments allowed the identification of novel transcripts, alternative tags generated from polymorphic and alternatively spliced transcripts, as well as the detection of artefactual MPSS tags. A systematic large-scale analysis of the genome by MPSS, in combination with the use of GLGI-MPSS protocol, will certainly provide a complementary approach to generate the complete catalog of human transcripts.
KeywordcDNA gene expression
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID43523
Document TypeJournal article
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang, S. M.. Generation of longer 30 cDNAfragments frommassively parallel signature sequencing tags[J]. Nucleic Acids Research, 2004, e94-e94.
APA Wang, S. M..(2004). Generation of longer 30 cDNAfragments frommassively parallel signature sequencing tags. Nucleic Acids Research, e94-e94.
MLA Wang, S. M.."Generation of longer 30 cDNAfragments frommassively parallel signature sequencing tags".Nucleic Acids Research (2004):e94-e94.
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