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Pan-genome isolation of low abundance transcripts using SAGE tag; Pan-genome isolation of low abundance transcripts using SAGE tag
Wang, S. M.
2006-11-14 ; 2006-11-14
Source PublicationFEBS Letters ; FEBS Letters
ISSN0014-5793 ; 0014-5793

The SAGE (serial analysis of gene expression) method is sensitive at detecting the lower abundance transcripts. More than a third of human SAGE tags identified are novel representing the low abundance unknown transcripts. Using the GLGI method (generation of longer 30 EST from SAGE tag for gene identification), we converted 1009 low-copy, human X chromosome-specific SAGE tags into 10210 30 ESTs. We identified 3418 unique 30 ESTs, 46% of which are novel and originated from the lower abundance transcripts. However, nearly all 30 ESTs were mapped to various regions across the genome but not X chromosome. Detailed analysis indicates that those 30 ESTs were isolated by SAGE tag mis-priming to the non-parent transcripts. Replacing SAGE tags with non-transcribed genomic DNA tags resulted in poor amplification, indicating that the sequence similarity between different transcripts contributed to the amplification. Our study shows the prevalence of novel low abundance transcripts that can be isolated efficiently through SAGE tags mis-priming.


The SAGE (serial analysis of gene expression) method is sensitive at detecting the lower abundance transcripts. More than a third of human SAGE tags identified are novel representing the low abundance unknown transcripts. Using the GLGI method (generation of longer 30 EST from SAGE tag for gene identification), we converted 1009 low-copy, human X chromosome-specific SAGE tags into 10210 30 ESTs. We identified 3418 unique 30 ESTs, 46% of which are novel and originated from the lower abundance transcripts. However, nearly all 30 ESTs were mapped to various regions across the genome but not X chromosome. Detailed analysis indicates that those 30 ESTs were isolated by SAGE tag mis-priming to the non-parent transcripts. Replacing SAGE tags with non-transcribed genomic DNA tags resulted in poor amplification, indicating that the sequence similarity between different transcripts contributed to the amplification. Our study shows the prevalence of novel low abundance transcripts that can be isolated efficiently through SAGE tags mis-priming.

KeywordTranscript Low Abundance Sage Tag 30 Est Transcript Low Abundance Sage Tag 30 Est
DOI10.1016/j.febslet.2006.11.013 ; 10.1016/j.febslet.2006.11.013
Language英語English ; 英語English
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication ; PB_Publication
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Document TypeJournal article
Faculty of Health Sciences
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang, S. M.. Pan-genome isolation of low abundance transcripts using SAGE tag, Pan-genome isolation of low abundance transcripts using SAGE tag[J]. FEBS Letters, FEBS Letters, 2006, 2006, 6721-6729, 6721-6729.
APA Wang, S. M..(2006). Pan-genome isolation of low abundance transcripts using SAGE tag. FEBS Letters, 6721-6729.
MLA Wang, S. M.."Pan-genome isolation of low abundance transcripts using SAGE tag".FEBS Letters (2006):6721-6729.
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