Bayesian Updating of The soil parameters in finite element modeling for a multistage excavation
Tan, F.; Zhou, W. H.; Yuen, K. V.
Source PublicationProceedings of the second international conference on sustainable urbanization
Publication PlaceHong Kong
PublisherThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
AbstractBack-analysis is usually performed based on field observations or measurements for important and/or challenging excavation projects. However, the field measurement data often involve significant uncertainties originated from many factors, such as the poorly known soil parameters, substantial modeling error, and construction variability. The predictions of the wall and ground responses, even those made with advanced finite element modeling, often fail to match the observed responses at the end of the excavation stage. In order to consider these uncertainties in the finite element modeling, the Bayesian approach is adopted to update the soil parameters in finite element modeling for a multi-stage excavation project, and their posterior distributions are obtained by using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation method with the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. In this process, the Bayesian updating of soil parameters is realized in multiple stages. The measured lateral deformations along a bored pile shaft at each excavation stage are used to update the soil parameters used in the finite element modeling and then the updated parameters are used to predict the responses of the subsequent excavation stages.
Keywordback-analysis bayesian approach multistage excavation Markov chain monte carlo simulation
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID14524
Document TypeConference paper
Corresponding AuthorZhou, W. H.
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Tan, F.,Zhou, W. H.,Yuen, K. V.. Bayesian Updating of The soil parameters in finite element modeling for a multistage excavation[C], Hong Kong:The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2015, 98-98.
APA Tan, F.., Zhou, W. H.., & Yuen, K. V. (2015). Bayesian Updating of The soil parameters in finite element modeling for a multistage excavation. Proceedings of the second international conference on sustainable urbanization, 98-98.
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