Molecular interaction of mouse secretin and angiotensin II receptors and their potential implications in water homeostasis
Chow, BKC; Ng, SYL; Lee, T. O.
Source Publication20th International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides (REGPEP2014)
AbstractOsmoregulation is critical to life and is tightly regulated by three major hormones namely secretin (SCT), angio- tensin II (ANGII) and vasopressin (VP). Of note, SCT and ANGII share overlapping physiological roles includ- ing similar expression pattern within the brain, dipsogenic actions and activation of VP expression and/or release in mice. However, it remains unclear how their receptor pathways may cross-interact to aid osmoregulation. In recent years, GPCR oligomerization has been implicated to play roles in regulating process- es. This project aims to explore the molecular associa- tion between SCTR and ANGII receptors by biolumi- nescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) assays that revealed SCTR and ANGII type 1a receptor (AT1aR) to form hetero-complexes. This oligomerization event was found by BRET competition to be contributed predom- inantly by transmembrane (TM) domain regions 2 and 4 in SCTR, and TM1 and TM4 in AT1aR. Within which, combinational use of mutant TM peptides and SCTR chi- meras revealed the importance of lipid-exposed residues, par- ticularly Leu204 and Ser205 in SCTR TM2 as key contact points for formation of the SCTR/AT1aR complex. Morpho- logically, the heteromers were visualized by confocal and FRET imaging at the cell surface and found have a role in modulating AT1aR trafficking. It was also found that the SCTR/AT1aR complex affected Gαs signaling specifically, reducing maximal response values by 24.3 ± 2.8 % compared to CHO-K1 cells transfected with only SCTR. While, this negative effect could be abolished by co-application of SCT and ANGII peptides, use of constitutively active AT1aR mu- tants or disruption of the hetero-complex using SCTR mutants. Taken together, the SCTR/AT1aR complex was proposed to impose conformational restraints on the SCTR that could be overcome upon activation of the AT1aR. Physiologically, hyperosmolality isovolemic induced drinking could be attenu- ated by central administration of TM peptides and the phos- pholipase C pathway blocker H-89, indicating receptor oligo- merization to have a role in neural osmoregulation via a Gαs dependent pathway. This study presents novel findings regard- ing the receptor oligomerization of SCTR and AT1aR, which may be the molecular basis to the overlapping roles of SCT and ANGII in water homeostasis
KeywordGPCR dimerization secretin AGTR1
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The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID51956
Document TypeConference paper
Corresponding AuthorChow, BKC
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Chow, BKC,Ng, SYL,Lee, T. O.. Molecular interaction of mouse secretin and angiotensin II receptors and their potential implications in water homeostasis[C], 2012.
APA Chow, BKC., Ng, SYL., & Lee, T. O. (2012). Molecular interaction of mouse secretin and angiotensin II receptors and their potential implications in water homeostasis. 20th International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides (REGPEP2014).
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