Spatial and temporal variation of black carbon pollution in a coastal city accessed using a mobile monitoring platform
Hoi, K. I.; Mok, K. M.; Yuen, K. V.; Pun, M. H. ; Cheng, A. Y. S.; Visue, A.; Vong, M. H.
Source PublicationUrban Environmental Pollution: Overcoming Obstacles to Sustainability and Quality of Life (UEP2010)
Publication PlaceBoston
AbstractIn the present study, the spatial and temporal variation of black carbon (BC) in a small but complex costal city, Macau, was investigated by using a mobile monitoring platform equipped with Aethalometer for seven consecutive days. This study is the first of its kind that could assess BC condition of the entire city within a short period of time for systematic comparison. From the field measurements during Feb. 18 and 24, 2009, distinct spatial and temporal variation of BC concentrations within the region was observed. It was found that hotspots of relatively high BC concentrations were generally consistent to the regions characterized by high traffic volume or heavy congestion. In addition, a descending diurnal pattern of BC concentrations was observed in four of the monitored weekdays when the wind conditions were mostly dominated by sea breezes. Therefore, it is clear that local traffic pattern plays an important role on the BC distribution in Macau under this condition. In addition to the local contribution, regional transport of BC from the northern part of the Pearl River Delta region could influence the distribution of BC in Macau in a larger scale. This was observed on Feb. 20 when a northern cold front arrived. The BC concentrations of the entire area were markedly increased during the presence of the front; hence signifying the regional land source influence that could shadow the local one. Due to the high spatial and temporal resolution of the present measurements coupled with synchronized video recording of the road traffic conditions, some dramatic instantaneous increases in the BC concentration were identified in the route measurements. They were found usually associated with the exhaust of the diesel vehicles travelling immediately in front of the mobile monitoring platform.
KeywordBlack carbon Macau Mobile monitoring platform Spatial and temporal variation
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID7996
Document TypeConference paper
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Hoi, K. I.,Mok, K. M.,Yuen, K. V.,et al. Spatial and temporal variation of black carbon pollution in a coastal city accessed using a mobile monitoring platform[C], Boston:UEP2010, 2010, 23-23.
APA Hoi, K. I.., Mok, K. M.., Yuen, K. V.., Pun, M. H. ., Cheng, A. Y. S.., Visue, A.., & Vong, M. H. (2010). Spatial and temporal variation of black carbon pollution in a coastal city accessed using a mobile monitoring platform. Urban Environmental Pollution: Overcoming Obstacles to Sustainability and Quality of Life (UEP2010), 23-23.
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