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Political Economy of Macao since 1999-Dilemma of its Success
Hao, Y. F.; Sheng, L.; Pan , G.J.
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
Publication PlaceLondon

This book takes a comprehensive look at the governance and civil society of Macao, the shadowy mecca of gambling in Asia, and the reforms, changes, and social movements which are challenging that reputation today. Thanks to the rapid expansion of the local casino industry, Macao has experienced spectacular economic growth since it returned to Chinese rule in 1999. Following double-digit rates of economic growth between 2002 and 2013, Macao has become one of the wealthiest regions in Asia, with GDP per capita rising from USD$14,258 in 2001 to USD$89,333 in 2014. However, as the casino industry has overshadowed all other sectors of the local economy, it has not only made Macao’s economy highly vulnerable and difficult to sustain, but has also aroused increasing social discontent. The authors lay out a comprehensive and well-argued discussion of the dilemma of the economic monoculture, and strategies by which to overcome it, in the process producing a book that will be of profound interest to scholars of greater China, students of political economy, and travelers to Macao.

KeywordMacau History Economy Politics
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
Document TypeBook
CollectionFaculty of Social Sciences
Corresponding AuthorSheng, L.
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Hao, Y. F.,Sheng, L.,Pan , G.J.. Political Economy of Macao since 1999-Dilemma of its Success[M]. London:Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
APA Hao, Y. F.., Sheng, L.., & Pan , G.J. (2017). Political Economy of Macao since 1999-Dilemma of its Success. Palgrave Macmillan.
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